Monday, September 20, 2010

Swimming for a Good Cause

Last Thursday Venture Law Associates LLP - represented by me - attended at the Ontario Track3 Ski Association® annual charity golf tournament. The rain was of biblical portions so we started late, got wringing wet and ended early. But it was a wonderful event.

Track3 teaches disabled children how to ski - hence the name as a number of the children use special equipment that leaves three tracks in the snow. The children have varying degrees of physical and mental disabilities, and it requires a number of volunteers to help each child.

While I don't ski, I was introduced to Track3 by a friend of mine who was the President of the charity for a number of years. The stories that the volunteers and participants tell at the after golf dinner are truly inspiring; without any of the maudlin BS that so often kills something that is supposed to be motivating.

The tournament has traditionally been hockey-themed. This year was no exception, with retired NHL referee Ron Wicks regaling us with stories about his 25 years on the ice. And Hockley Valley Resort graciously gave us a rain check for 18 holes, so it was by no means a washout...

So I urge you to consider volunteering if you are a good skier. Or donate to the cause. And if you are a non-skier, but a good après skier and mediocre golfer like me, join them next year for the annual golf tournament. The information can be found at

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